惠州市博特能源有限公司 Huizhou BOOT Energy CO.,LTD.
Batteries Battery Packs Chargers Battery Accessories Other
Panasonic NCR18650B protected
Panasonic NCR18650B protected
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Original Panasonic (Industrial) products, Made in Japan

Capacity: 3400mAh (Min 3250mAh)

Charging volt: 4.2v

Max charge current 0.7C 2A

Recommend discharge current 1C 2.9A

Discharge Termination Voltage: 2.5V

Protection kicks in : 2.75v and 4.2v

Over-Charging / Draining at 4.2v / 2.75v

Protection Circuit installed

Weight : 47g

Size 18.50mm x 70.5mm (Larger than non-protected)

The voltage of full charge & empty condition is 4.2v & 2.75v respectively